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Do you consider yourself a "Christian"?
Yes No
Are you involved in 'worship leading'? For the purpose of this survey, his means that you have the primary responsibility to guide musical or vocal performance and/or participation in a context of a church congregation or small group.
What is your gender?
Male Female
What is your age?
less than 30 30 or more
Do you tend to visualize or verbalize information (for example, driving directions) ?
visualize verbalize
Do you lead by singing publically in worship contexts (either as the primary lead or or as part of a musical team) ?
Lead vocally Not Lead vocally
Do you lead by playing music publically in worship contexts (either as the primary lead or or as part of a musical team) ?
Lead musically Not Lead musically
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by singing about God?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by singing directly to God?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by taking communion?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by lifting your hands?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by clapping your hands?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by dancing in any form?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by shouting ?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by kneeling or bowing down ?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by being completely silent for an extended period of time ?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by lifting a banner ?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by waving a flag ?
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by singing a 'new song'? For the purpose of this survey, a 'new song' is a song that had not been sung publically before. You may have developed the song privately or sung it in private, but it had never been heard by others prior to that.
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by singing a 'spontaneous song'? For the purpose of this survey, a 'spontaneous song' is a song that you had never heard before, but is sung out of inspiration you had at the time you sung it.
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by playing a 'spontaneous song'? For the purpose of this survey, a 'spontaneous song' is a song that you had never heard before, but is composed out of inspiration you had at the time you played it.
Have you ever worshipped in a church meeting by contributing money to the church?
To have your responses recorded in the database,